So many people may have a desire to lose weight every year and I am sure this is part of what a lot of people have resolved to do in 2011. 10 weight loss tips is all you need to help you lose weight in 2011. You can do a lot more on your own however to get you started, here are 10 Weight loss tips to help you get started in the right direction.
1. Watch Your Diet.The proverbial saying "We are what we eat" can never be more true. To lose weight and maximise your health, you must watch what you eat. Avoid fats and excessive carbs as they can led to excessive weight and obesity. Try to eat lots of vegetables, high-fibre diets and drink lots of water. 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is generally recommended for adequate body metabolism.
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2. Take Your Weight Regularly - Try maintaining an ideal weight by measuring and monitoring your weight regularly. For adults, ideal weights are best monitored by observing BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is defined as an individual's body weight divided by the square of a person's height. BMI is calculated based an individuals height as long as the individual is of an average build. An unusually high BMI for a person's age and weight allows easy identification of weight problems. People with BMI's of 25 and above are considered Overweight. Those with BMI's 25 to 30 are considered Pre-obese, while people with BMI of greater than or equal to 30 are considered Obese. Therefore weigh yourself regularly as this is the most objective way of assessing your progress with weight loss.
3. Try to exercise regularly. This is straight forward. You can engage in heavy or light exercises. As long as you seek advice from your physician about which types of exercises are most suitable for you.
4. Regular check-ups with your doctor is essential. Make it a habit to go for a routine check-up every 3 to 6 months or 1 year. This will help doctors to pick up any problem and act on it quickly.
5. Modify Your Lifestyle - Trying to modify your lifestyle to incorporate healthy habits while avoiding harmful ones will help you maintain good health in 2011. If you smoke, try to quit as it is associated with heart disease and a lot of cancers. Alcohol consumption is a sensitive topic but you must know that excess alcohol causes health problems.
6. Do Some Research. Health personnel may be there to help you with your concerns and questions, but it is your responsibility to get extra info that will help you keep the weight you lose off for good.
7. Familiarize Yourself With Nutrition Facts On Food Labels. This helps you to identify high calorie foods from the healthier foods in the stores and markets.
8. Eat Small Meal Portions Daily. This helps you maintain a high metabolism all day long as your body uses up energy to burn up food and also keeps you energized.
9. Consult a therapist or dietitian if necessary. This may be all you need in terms of keeping you focused and motivated to achieve the weight you have always longed for.
10. Remain Positive And Motivated. Believe it or not this goes a long way to help you achieve success as it keeps you on track whenever you feel like giving up.
These are just 10 weight loss tips, you could surely do more for yourself if you took the effort to discover other weight loss tips in 2011.
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